A Major element within the dynamic of our church is input. As a church we value the voices of leadership, because we are not just in authority, but under authority.

Surface Church is covered by a board of Apostolic Elders that speak into our lives and help us shape our decisions, through the leading of the Holy Spirt.

Furthermore, we know that the voices within Surface Church aid in the shaping and developing of Healthy Culture. Therefore we place value as well on the input of those connected and committed faithfully here.

In 1 Corinthians 10:1 Paul encourages the people of Corinth to all speak the same thing and be of the same mind and judgement. We apply this principle within surface by ensuring clarity of vision, and having healthy dialogue surrounding the vicissitudes within the ecosystem of Church Life.




Many of us value consistency throughout different areas in our society. Some things we just expect to be there simply because we are used to their presence. We always expect grocery stores to have food, pharmacies to have medicine, gas stations to have gas, and banks to have money when we need it.

We expect these things, because they practice consistency. The owners within these spaces also know how valuable the role of these assets are in our world and their responsibility to show up. Unfortunately, many don’t apply the same value to themselves and the areas of influence they have within their own lives

At Surface Church, we believe as children of God, we have a responsibility to be consistent and show up more times than we sit out. 2 Corinthians 5:20 says we are Christ ambassadors. As ambassadors, how well do we show up? Are we living out God’s word in John 14:12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.



We don’t ignore tension, we cut it! Transparency is a key that few apply to their life. Most value the thought of concealing their feelings, thoughts, or intentions. Especially as it pertains to relational interactions and the offenses and challenges that occur along the way.

At Surface Church, value the power of being transparent with others, because we know that we can’t heal what we conceal. This is actually biblical! In fact Proverbs 28:13 says, “Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”

Even what we call the Lord’s prayer, mentions forgiving our trespasses as “we” forgive those who trespass against us. There are many mentions of how to navigate relational tension and nuances all throughout the bible.

As a church, we are committed to embodying those principles throughout our daily lives with one another and with those we come in contact with.



Giving is widely regarded as one of the first spiritual principle established in the universe! God so loved the world, that “He Gave” his only son. Worthy is the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world

We understand that heart of God is revealed in giving. Our God is generous on every level. Love, Mercy, Grace, Forgiveness, and so much more has been given to us by God without reservation.

At Surface Church, We don’t give to get. We give our time, treasure and talents from a heart of love with pure motives. Knowing that by doing so, we reflect the very nature of God. Whatever return as a result as just “icing on the cake”.


Health is absolutely a vital component that each of us should care deeply about. Every layer of life encompasses the context of health. Healthy relationships, business practices, healthy bodies, mental health, emotional health and more.

God desires that we would be whole in every area, spirit, soul, and body. Prioritizing Health is a necessity we emphasis as Surface Church. Healthy Leadership practices, clear communication, accountability and other attributes make up our the way we describe and maintain health.

At Surface Church, we believe healthy people, are wealthy people, and it is reflected spiritually, mentally, emotionally and naturally. Our heart will always be to analyze the overall health of our ministry through God’s lens and strategy. Ensuring that healthy structure and spiritual practices will result in a healthy thriving church capable of making long lasting impact.




Many of us love the idea of building but not the idea of establishing teams to make the vision a reality. Systems, assimilation and impartation are essential tools that are needed to construct what God has called us to build. What God wants to build with us all requires us to equip others.

Before building a house, we have to consider the cost of what we are building. The hours, the resources, the energy required to make it all happen and more importantly, that God called you to it.

As Surface Church, we did not call ourselves, choose ourselves, nor did we force ourselves into this. God had this in his plan a long time ago before it was on the mind of our Pastor’s to move to a place no one knew them and build from the ground up. We firmly believe the word that “except the Lord builds a house, those that labor, labor in vain.


Every major encounter in scripture involves an altar. Altars were places of encounter, altars are a symbol of devotion, and passion. While many places traditionally visited in our faith had literal altars, we fully understand that we can make an altar wherever we are.

When we have an encounter with God, we should expect to leave that moment altered! Altars can renew our faith, recall our memory to a promise God declared. We leave from those moments with language from God. Altars are capable of altering every aspect of our lives.

At Surface Church, we exist to see God’s purpose surface in people. And what better vehicle to carry many into their purpose than to be an altar where God’s presence reigns as the guide of all we do. Where we facilitate atmospheres where God can flow freely. Surface Church will be a place of open heavens. Realms and Dimensions in God will be experienced regularly.



Many of us value consistency throughout different areas in our society. Some things we just expect to be there simply because we are used to their presence. We always expect grocery stores to have food, pharmacies to have medicine, gas stations to have gas, and banks to have money when we need it.

We expect these things, because they practice consistency. The owners within these spaces also know how valuable the role of these assets are in our world and their responsibility to show up. Unfortunately, many don’t apply the same value to themselves and the areas of influence they have within their own lives

At Surface Church, we believe as children of God, we have a responsibility to be consistent and show up more times than we sit out. 2 Corinthians 5:20 says we are Christ ambassadors. As ambassadors, how well do we show up? Are we living out God’s word in John 14:12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.




Many say that respect is earned, We believe that everyone deserves respect until proven otherwise, and even then, grace and forgiveness should be extended to each individual accordingly.

God instructs us to esteem others higher than ourselves, when you understand honor, you attribute people value. Not just people though, honor is something that should extend into every area of life. You’ll honor people, places, history, yourself, items, special gifts and so much more.

As Surface Church, we believe as children of God, we should reveal honor at the highest level! It should been seen in how we love one another. In how we raise our families, and build relationships. It should be on display in the way we take care of the house of God, how we manage our resources.

We don’t just honor people in places of prominence, but we honor people no matter the sphere of influence they hold. We want to honor no matter their class in society (upper, middle, lower) because God made everyone fearfully and wonderfully.


Excellence is not about wealth, or even where you may find yourself in life. There are many gifted people that may find themselves celebrated in one arena of life and not even known in another. Think about this, Geniuses are not geniuses in every area. Albert Einstein was known as a physicist and mathematician and his genius in that arena paved the way for so much of what we know as the foundation of modern physics.

Many inventors were acknowledged to have some measure of genius. I believe their secret is found in their excellence. Where some are comfortable with being proficient, it takes a spirit of excellence to produce mastery and to tap into genius. To see more than what is there and to ascertain to a higher level than the one that presently exists within a field.

Excellence is not just something we find in geniuses or inventors. People can display excellence in how they maintain their business, how they make things, how one increases their skill on an instrument. One may be ok with good, but another is only ok with great. The difference maker is simply excellence. Good enough can easily become the enemy of great. Just like mediocrity can be the enemy of excellence.



Many of us have heard the saying, with great power comes great responsibility. But most have never taken the time to truly look at this statement. A King’s power is not measured by his own ability… The same is true of a country, the president is known and measured by a myriad of things.

One Major Thing is how the president distributes and delegates that power. He is a leader of leaders who lead others. The wrong person in the wrong position can cause detriment to the nation. The same is true of the military and honestly any major sector within our society.

This also applies to churches! The wrong people with the wrong heart can cause damage to many people. Our heart is to carefully select who is given power and who is elevated into places of influence. We want to entrust people, not micromanage them, so that they can produce other leaders and cause there to be a rise of even more leaders. With that comes a vetting process and with opportunities to rise to the occasion.



God tells us in Corinthians through the Apostle Paul, that the duration of our influence is based on our capacity to love. I can be gifted, I can speak with the tongues of men and angels, but without love, I’m just a clanging symbol. If you’ve ever heard a cymbal, the impact is strong and loud, but the duration is not. We want our love to cause us to leave lasting impact on the communities we are in.

At Surface Church, we welcome all, we know that all won’t change over night. But we know that love never fails. We are people who will tell the Truth in Love. We will be known as a people that love people and demonstrate that love. To the poor, to the rich, to the homeless, to the disenfranchised, and to those that are far from God.