Alright!!! Looks like you have seen enough. So let’s make this short, sweet, and to the point.

What to Expect: A quick rundown from our Lead Pastor

Frequently Asked Questions?

What is the length of your services?

Our services last on average 80 minutes to 100 minutes considering the occasion a flow of God in the moment. We are a house that values God’s presence and is sensitive to his movement in the atmosphere on Sunday’s. We don’t just give God a moment at Surface, we give Him the room and our gatherings are all geared towards people having an encounter with the Lord.

What denomination are you?

We consider our church a Kingdom Church and an Apostolic House. Our beliefs our not governed by a denomination. While we are not a denomination, we are not uncovered and lacking in accountability and governance. You can see our Board, and Pastor’s spiritual/church covering under our leadership tab in our about section.

Do you have kids ministry?

Yes! Kids are one of our highest priorities at Surface Church. We focus on raising up the next generation of leaders who will change the world for the Kingdom. During service, kids can participate in classes in-person where they will have their own tailored experience just for them. Snacks are also provided.

Do you offer online community and services?

We provide multiple opportunities to engage online as a community. We broadcast our Sunday gathering on Mondays. We also offer weekly prayer together on Tuesdays at 6AM followed by Bi-Weekly Bible studies we like to call “IRON NIGHTS” on Wednesdays at 8PM.

Where do you meet in person?

Surface Church’s in-person campus is located in Apex, NC. We are a church serving Apex, Cary, Holly Springs, Raleigh-Durham and other surrounding communities. Address: 3468 Apex Peakway Apex, NC 27526

What time are in-person gatherings?

Gatherings at Surface Church are on Sundays at 4PM EST. This time is for in person only. If you choose to join us online, you can catch us on replay on Mondays at 7PM.


Take a moment to hear from our Kids Director, Rashaunda McNeil. It is our desire to ensure that your kids have a phenomenal experience when they arrive on campus.


Are you ready to take an honest look at where you're allocating your spiritual "nutrients"? Are you choosing knowledge over revelation, leaves over fruit? It's time to stir up the gift within and harness the power of the "manure" in our lives for our upgrade.